Creole Jambalaya

On 16th January 2015, This was Dinner…

Do you watch the Jamie & Jimmy program on Friday nights? In 21st century Britain I find it amazing (and quite sickening) the amount of food that it thrown away by supermarkets be it ugly veg, too small eggs or, as shown this week, food which is perfectly fine but past it’s sell be date. Well done to these guys in Bristol that gives junk food a completely different meaning.

A jambalaya for dinner tonight, this was a great comfort dish and will stand out as one of the best meals I’ve made recently.


  • Chop an onion
  • Crush some garlic cloves
  • Chop an orange pepper
  • Chop a green pepper
  • Slice some spring onions
  • Chop some parsley
  • Prepare some beef stock
  • Slice a chorizo
  • Get brown rice, pork mince, smoked paprika, turmeric, cumin, bay leaves, white wine, a tin of chopped tomatoes, raw prawns, sour cream, oil & seasoning ready


Season the pork well and form into small balls. Heat some oil in a pan and brown the meatballs all over. Remove from the pan.

Cook the chorizo in the pan until releasing it’s oil then remove from the pan.

Cook the onion, garlic and peppers until the onion is softened. Add the turmeric, paprika & cumin and stir through for about a minute. Add the bay leaves and then add a glass of wine and let it bubble for a couple of minutes.

Add the rice and then the stock, stir well, bring to the boil then cover and cook for about 15 minutes on a low heat.

Add the chorizo and pork balls back to the pan then cover again and cook for another 15 minutes.

Always keep checking that there is enough stock.

Add the prawns and cook through.

Just before serving, stir in the spring onions and parsley. Serve with a good dollop of sour cream.


The brown rice gave this an amazing texture and the whole thing was so full of flavour. There should have been leftovers but we both went back for seconds and thirds!

The original recipe is from an old BBC Good Food one I have in a file, I can’t find the original one online to link to.

On 17th January 2015 we walked into town to do a market shopping and ended up with a hot dog each. Chilli for me, chip shop curry for Mr S. It wasn’t the best day to pop to the pub as Donny Rovers were playing Barnsley :-/

Any thoughts?